Mika Haykowski

Resting in your Soft Muscles, Long Forgotten



Mika Haykowsky is a multimedia artist based in Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton, AB). From their vibrant studio, Mika launches into creative projects that flow around intimacy, eco-feminism, collective healing, and the colour pink. Their work is a site of uncomfortable union between objects designed for the body, digital reproductions of their body, and the bodies of viewers. Mika received an MFA in 2019 from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and a BFA in 2016 from the University of Alberta. They continue to exhibit internationally and virtually, while striving to work with community, collaboration and teaching. In September 2021, they exhibited in the garage space at Latitude 53.


I once attended a Divine femininity workshop. Each of us seated in the small circle shared of our relationship to the feminine. I shared about how I used to be so averse to the colour pink that I felt hatred towards anything girly for it seemed to be so inferior. There was a deep, shared sense of insecurity around our own bodies. There were tears and rituals of feminine rebirth. I was encouraged to bleed into the earth with each moon cycle. I was told it would help heal. 

Early in my artistic practice I began performing as aggressively feminine, youthful characters and exploring my inner child through excavating memories of forced feminine dress and behaviour. I exploit feminine causalities with the use of found objects, lens-based media and self-exposure. My research delves in too the inner mysteries of the body and the infinite possibilities of the universe. 


Lucille Frost and Allison Thompson


Sandra Lamouche